What is Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte?

This review for Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte will help inform and advise customers on whether or not to purchase this product. Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte is designed as a pill, that is meant to help relieve constipation. Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte can be purchased through a number of websites. This product is not available through the manufacturer’s website.


The active ingredient in Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte is Psyllium Husk. Psyllium Husk is most often used as a laxative. However, it can also be used to improve heart and pancreatic health. Psyllium Husk is a fiber that it made from the husks of plant seeds. The inactive ingredients in Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte include:

  • Barley
  • Licorice
  • Bentonite
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Pullulan
  • Hpromellose

The manufacturer assures customers that there is no dairy, egg, artificial preservatives, colors, artificial sweeteners, yeast, wheat, or corn added to this product.


Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte has simple directions. Take two capsules, three times a day. Take the capsules with a full glass of liquid, such as milk, water, or fruit juice. However, take the capsules before meals, not during or after. Take Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte two hours before or after taking other medications. Results should only take two to three days to appear. Sometimes they appear within 24 hours.


This product is not available through the manufacturer’s website. However, customers can go to the manufacturer’s website to find out what websites they can purchase this product from. Nationalnutrition.com sells two 180-capsule bottles for $37.99. It is currently on sale. It is normally priced at $49.98. Amazon sells a 180-capsule bottle for $34.95. Vitamart.ca sells a 180-capsule bottle for $23.97.

Possible Side Effects

Possible side effects associated with Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte include:

  • Chest pain
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Fever
  • Sudden change in bowel habits
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Failure to defecate
  • Gas or bloating

If the laxative effect of this product does not begin to work within seven days, consult with a doctor. If any of these symptoms persist, consult a doctor immediately.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

The manufacturer does not offer any guarantees on their website. However, this may be because they do not sell their products directly through their website. However, the manufacturer does provide thorough information about their products, and states their commitment to creating quality products on their website. Customers can also contact them if they have any questions or concerns.

The Bottom Line

Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte seems to be a decent product. It is made from a natural formula, which should decrease the chance of experiencing side effects. The price for this product is also moderate. While it may seem expensive, some retailers offer great deals. However, there are no customer reviews for this product indicating that it is a new product or a product that is not widely used yet. The manufacturer also does not offer any guarantees, and customers will have to rely on the return policies, and guarantees, of the websites they purchase this product from.

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